Brother Ambrose Groble, FSC, Archives of Lewis University

安布罗斯·格罗布修士, FSC, Archives serves as the final repository for the historical records of Lewis University. Its primary purpose is to document the history of the University and to provide primary and secondary source materials for administrators, 教师, 学生, 校友和其他大学成员, 还有学者, authors and other interested persons who seek information about the impact of the University’s activities.

1994年以其创始人的名字命名, 已故的安布罗斯·格罗布修士, FSC, the Archives is operated as a unit of Lewis University and is located in the University 图书馆. 以大学使命为指引, the Archives is operated to provide a viable historical records repository and research room which will serve the needs of the Lewis University community and other patrons. The Archivist works in association with the 教师 and staff of the University and facilitates the search for knowledge and truth for all of the patrons of the Archives.

档案鉴定, 评价, 获取和保存历史记录, legal and administrative value to Lewis University in various media and formats. 档案馆安排, describes and makes it collections accessible in support of scholarship, 展览, 出版及教育. These services are offered through databases, finding aids and other forms of publication.


The Archives maintains those records which are judged worthy of permanent preservation in order to facilitate reference and research purposes. Material that belongs in the Archives includes documents received or created by the University in order to preserve its history. Official records encompass the materials generated or received by the various administrative offices, departments and units of the University in the conduct of their business.

These materials and documents are included in the following record groups.

制度的历史 非传统的教育 基督教学校兄弟会
校董会 商务和金融办公室 外部机构和实体
大学校长 设施 凯发集团官网机场
大学教务 人力资源 路易斯大学/圣. 弗朗西斯书院合并
登记管理 学生服务 凯发集团官网法学院
金融援助 体育运动 教职员工:现任和前任
航空科技学院 机构发展 教员学术著作
商学院 校友 夏梅尔虹膜特别收藏
人文、美术与传播学院 市场推广及传播 翁贝托贵族特别收藏
护理与健康科学学院 大学年度活动  


In the fall of 2013 the Archives staff started the process of digitizing certain parts of its collection to make them more readily available to the Lewis University community and to others interested in the history of the University. Over time more digital collections will be added and announced.

刘易斯年鉴,1952 - 1983年

Lewis University yearbooks were published from 1952 to 1983. All the yearbooks are now digitized and available in this collection. 它们是按年搜索的. While individual pages can be saved or printed, entire books cannot.

刘易斯年鉴,1952 - 1983年


All the Lewis University Commencement programs have been digitized and are available in this collection. They begin with Lewis College of Science and Technology in 1947 and continue through the name changes to Lewis College and then to Lewis University with the final program from the most recent commencement. These programs offer significant historical information about all the graduates, 毕业典礼的演讲人, 不同的总统, 以及授予的各种学位.



The 凯发集团官网杂志 started publication in 1990 and offers feature articles about 教师, 学生及校友. 它包括有关校园发展的信息, 新的学术课程, 体育更新, and perspectives on the Catholic and Lasallian Mission of Lewis University. This digitized collection begins with the very first issue and continues into 2015. All the magazines are word searchable, and individual pages can be saved or printed. These digitized issues are a valuable resource for 学生, 教师, alumni and the general public who are in search of historical information about people, 校园活动和项目.



《凯发集团官网》杂志 was first published in 1981 and continues to the present. The main purpose of this publication is to recognize and support the creative works of the Lewis University community through awards and publication. 它为学生提供, 教师, staff and alumni the opportunity to express their creativity and to showcase the artistry that Lewis possesses. Writing, art and music are the three categories of entries that are accepted for publication. 参赛作品由评审团评判, 获胜者将获得奖品, 他们的作品出现在杂志上. All the issues of 《凯发集团官网》杂志 have been digitized and are available for research and reading. It is both a printed journal and an online publication available at http://www.刘易斯.edu/windowsmag.



This collection contains two publications which focus on the history of Lewis University. 第一个主题是刘易斯诞辰75周年. 卡罗尔Wassberg, 库尔特Schackmuth, Maryellen Davis and Dennis Cremin collaborated to create Lewis University 1932-2007: Celebrating 75 Years, 纪念小册子. It recounts the struggle to launch a school to help impoverished boys during the Great Depression and traces its evolution into a mid-sized, values-centered大学. The volume includes many historically significant photographs both in black and white and color. 第二部作品, 凯发集团官网:历史不变, 2016, 是由约瑟夫·马丁修士撰写和编辑的, FSC. 历史时间胶囊, the publication records a brief history of the thirty-two buildings and twenty-three special features on campus including plazas and statues. The descriptions of the buildings and features include a color photograph of each. Both works serve as valuable resources for those interested in the history of Lewis University.

