Office of 退伍军人 Affairs and Recruitment

路易斯大学 军事
Student 退伍军人 of America     Vet Ally 路易斯大学     最适合兽医
军事 Friendly School     军事 Friendly School     Best Colleges for 退伍军人

A New World of Career Possibilities

Active duty military members and veterans — your path to an impactful degree just became clearer. 路易斯大学 is nationally recognized 通过U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道, Colleges of Distinction, and 最适合兽医, as an institution that’s devoted to our service members and families in every branch of the Armed Forces.

Yellow Ribbon Program

路易斯大学 is a proud partner in the Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program, which allows qualified Post-9/11 veterans to enroll in more than one hundred approved education programs at 路易斯大学, 免学费.


A Community of Care Awaits 退伍军人 and 军事

Our support for military-connected students begins as soon as you express interest in Lewis and follows until you have completed your degree. Lewis provides a community that’s dedicated to making your transition to civilian life and higher education the best it can be. That’s why we founded 路易斯大学 Student 退伍军人 of America (LUSVA), which promotes a close community of student veteran fellowship while staying active with the University community and acting as ambassadors in the Chicago area. Our 退伍军人 Affairs Advisory Committee, composed of deans, 管理员, 教师, 工作人员, and student veterans, meets once a semester to review and enhance the veteran experience at Lewis. We’ve got your back.

经验丰富的 & 军事支持



3rd Floor, Office 339, Learning Resource Center
One University Parkway
罗马oville, IL 60446

(815) 836-5428

军事 Education Resource Center (MERC)
3rd Floor, Office 338, Learning Resource Center

(815) 834-MIL1 (6451)


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