
请注意,您是否应该查看房间图像 that the furnishings you see including a bed, desk, chair and closet or wardrobe are provided by the 大学. We encourage you to make your room a reflection of your personality and style. With imagination and creativity your room will become your home away from home!

The convenient residence hall amenity fee covers the following features:

  • 在房间内使用大学无线互联网
  • 不受限制地使用每个宿舍的洗衣设施
  • Microfridge (refrigerator, freezer, and microwave unit) in each room
  • 免费使用高清有线电视(88个频道)
  • 每个宿舍都提供空调


创始人大厅于2018年夏季进行了翻新. 创始人公寓的改造包括更新了浴室, 每个房间都有电子钥匙卡, 每层楼都有洗衣房, 更新的厨房, 还有新的休闲家具.

创始人霍尔, conveniently located in close proximity to the 图书馆 and Academic building, features double occupancy rooms housing 160 first-year residents. 这个宿舍楼按楼层分男女生. 下层休息室提供全方位服务的厨房, 大屏幕电视, 台球桌和乒乓桌. A study area for residents’ use is located on the first floor. 创始人大厅是一个无酒精的环境. 平均房间尺寸为13英尺x 12英尺.

  • 一年级的大厅
  • 传统风格设置
  • 双人房
  • 按楼层分男女生
  • 不含酒精
  • 建筑设施包括公共休息室, 台球桌, 乒乓球桌, 自动售货机, TV, 厨房和洗衣房
  • 总容纳人数:160名学生
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名称: Jemimah Ansah

主要: 航空运输

在校时间: 研究生

最喜欢的电视节目或电影: 初来乍到 

爱好: 烹饪

你为什么成为RLC: To enable me connect with the university community and be part of the team providing students home away from home on campus. 此外,要学会如何平衡工作生活和学业.

类风湿性关节炎: [显示信息]


名称: Siyoung“Andy”Choi

主要: 航空飞行技术

在校时间:  二年级学生

最喜欢的电视节目或电影: 泰德·拉索还是《玩具总动员

爱好: 弹钢琴和打盹

为什么成为RA: I became an RA so I can have different interactions with numerous people so they have the best possible time at Lewis.


名称: 纳塔莉亚Penalbert

主要: 航空管理局

在校时间: 初级

最喜欢的电视节目或电影: 《家庭主夫之道

爱好: 听音乐,看书,玩饼干遥控器

为什么成为RA:  I became an RA to emulate the hospitality I received as a freshman to future Lewis students. Helping newcomers get acclimated into the 大学 life and matching their needs to the appropriate resources on campus has been my goal as an RA. In addition, creating a safe space where everyone feels comfortable enough to express themselves.


名称: Jadalynn卑鄙

主要: 航空飞行技术

在校时间: 二年级学生

最喜欢的电视节目或电影: 当然是办公室! 

爱好: I love reading, I am a huge Stephen King fan, I like watching movies and hanging out with friends!

为什么成为RA: I became an RA to build a connection with students, to be a mentor and to be a place where people can go if they are in need of a friend or someone to listen to them.


名称: 艾米丽·林德曼

主要: 物理与航空航天工程

在校时间:  二年级学生

最喜欢的电视节目或电影: 海军罪案调查处

爱好: Mountain Biking with my brother, reading, and watching hockey

为什么成为RA: I really want to help incoming freshmen make the smoothest transition into college life they can so they can have the best experience at Lewis. Living away from home for the first time is a little daunting, so I want to make sure that each student can feel at home while they're away.


名称: 塞巴斯蒂安Stoerzer

主要: 航空飞行技术

在校时间: 二年级学生

最喜欢的电视节目或电影: 《绿英里》《凯发集团官网》《费城永远阳光灿烂

爱好: 跑步,去健身房,散步,瑜伽,烹饪

为什么成为RA: 大学生活是你一生中难忘的经历, and I want to help students have a memorable and great time at Lewis and in the residence halls. I also know from experience how important it is to have good RAs and wish to build upon that.

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This unique residence hall is the oldest building on campus and still well suited for first-year style community living. Sheil大厅 offers double occupancy rooms for 140 first-year residents. 这个宿舍楼按楼层分男女生. A lower level lounge features a 大屏幕电视, 台球桌, and a 乒乓球桌. while the second floor lounge provides a full-service kitchen and study area. Sheil hall is in close proximity to the JFK Student 娱乐 and 健身 Center, 查理的地方, 纪念馆, 和教堂. Several coaches from Lewis 大学 体育运动 have their offices and the men’s lacrosse team has their locker room in the lower level of Sheil大厅. 谢尔大厅是一个无酒精的环境. 平均房间尺寸从10'2 ' x 10'开始.

  • 一年级的大厅
  • 传统风格设置
  • 双人房
  • 按楼层分男女生
  • 不含酒精
  • 建筑设施包括公共休息室, 台球桌, 乒乓球桌,  自动售货机, TV, 厨房和洗衣房
  • 总容纳人数:123名学生
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名称: 马里亚诺·索萨

主要: 工商管理

在校时间: 研究生

最喜欢的电视节目或电影: 幽灵还是哈利波特

爱好: 游泳,读书,散步

为什么成为RLC: I became an RLC to build a connection with students, to be a mentor and to be a place where people can go if they are in need of a friend or someone to listen to them.

看到拉: [显示信息]


名称: 卡西Stupay

主要: 护理

在校时间:  高级

最喜欢的电视节目或电影: 《吉尔莫女孩》或者我讨厌你的十件事

爱好: Painting, photography, working out, watching movies, and hanging out with friends

为什么成为RA: I became an RA to feel more connected within the Lewis community and to guide new students as they start their college career.


名称: Jayleen莱昂

主要: 生物学

在校时间: 二年级学生

最喜欢的电视节目或电影: 了不起的盖茨比

爱好: 写诗,玩电子游戏

为什么成为RA: I became an RA because I feel I can help incoming students feel more comfortable. There is an overwhelming feeling when starting the year and not knowing who can help and where can it be found is more difficult. That is why I hope to help many students find their way around, 减轻压力, 在他们的新家会更舒适. 


名称: 汤米Juricek

主要: 网络安全

在校时间: 二年级学生

最喜欢的电视节目或电影: 打破坏 

爱好: Snowboarding, watching motorsports, listening to music, and intramural sports

为什么成为RA: To become more engaged with Lewis, and to gain valuable skills.


名称: 贾斯汀•李

主要: 航空飞行技术

在校时间:  高级

最喜欢的电视节目或电影: 萨伦伯格

爱好: Other than flying, I love to go to the gym and going for long runs

为什么成为RA: I became an RA due to the profound impact my own RA’s had on me during my freshmen year. 他们宝贵的帮助和支持留下了深刻的印记. They have inspired me to pay it forward by offering guidance and aid to incoming students.

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南大厅 features single occupancy rooms for 40 first-year residents. 每层楼都有自习室, 四楼有一间提供全方位服务的厨房. 这个宿舍楼按楼层分男女生. 南大厅 is adjacent to the College of 护理与健康 Sciences, convenient for nursing majors. 南厅是一个无酒精的环境. 平均房间尺寸为8'4 ' x 12'

  • 一年级的大厅
  • 传统风格设置
  • 单人房
  • 按楼层分男女生
  • 客房包括一个个人水槽
  • 不含酒精
  • 建筑设施包括公共休息室, 桌上足球, 乒乓球桌, 自动售货机, TV, 厨房和洗衣房
  • 总容纳人数:40名学生
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名称: 马里亚诺·索萨

主要: 工商管理

在校时间: 研究生

最喜欢的电视节目或电影: 幽灵还是哈利波特

爱好: 游泳,读书,散步

为什么成为RLC: I became an RLC to build a connection with students, to be a mentor and to be a place where people can go if they are in need of a friend or someone to listen to them.

类风湿性关节炎: [显示信息]


名称: 杰森Bunales

主要: 会计及工商管理

在校时间: 二年级学生

最喜欢的电视节目或电影: 皇帝的新槽

爱好: 打排球和健身

为什么成为RA: I became an RA because I wanted to be a support resource for residents on campus, helping them feel welcomed on campus and help develop the sense of community on campus.


名称: 妮可让

主要: 辅修社会工作/人力资源管理

在校时间:  高级

最喜欢的电视节目或电影: 社区与新女孩

爱好: 钩针编织、皮划艇和阅读

为什么成为RA: I became an RA because the community aspect this position holds. I could really see that through the RA’s I had my first year and I wanted to contribute to a safe and healthy campus in the same way. Being involved around campus is something that always appealed to me and this position is perfect for that.

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