转移 Students

转移ring to the 生物学 program can be a simple, easy process with a little preparation.  To better assist you, we’ve provided the following transfer guides for your use.  The best way to stay on a four year undergraduate plan is to take ALL the science courses listed in the guide (生物学, Chemistry, Physics) as well as math through Calculus at your community college 之前 transferring to Lewis University.  Students should not focus solely on the “gen ed” curriculum at the community college as failure to complete a core set of science courses is sure to extend the undergraduate experience.  If you are transferring from a four year program, a similar academic transcript is necessary to complete the degree in the traditional four year period.  Please keep in mind the 2.75 GPA pre-requisite (necessary to declare the 生物学 major at Lewis University) as you are completing the courses.

For additional information, please contact our Admissions Department at 815-836-5250.

转移 Guides

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