教师 and Staff

Oguzhan Batmaz

名称: Dr. Oguzhan Batmaz
标题: Assistant Professor of Economics

Office Location: sb - 122 n
电子邮件: obatmaz@lsqn.net
Phone (Office): (815) 836-5613

教育 & Certifications:

  • Ph.D., University of Kansas 
  • M.A., University of Kansas

生物:  Dr. Oguzhan Batmaz, Assistant Professor of Economics, received his MA and PhD in Economics from University of Kansas. His research focuses on macroeconomics, international economics, and energy/environmental economics. Oguzhan’s current research focuses on How Do Risk Preferences Impact the Choice of Trade Credit, 反倾销, and Delivery Terms in Imports, and Corruption, 外国直接投资, and Ecological Footprint un SSA. For working with students, Oguzhan is also interested in pursuing topics such as monetary economics, environmental economics, and international finance. He has served as a referee for many reputable peer-reviewed journals, 包括, 等, Eastern Economic Journal, Innovation and Development, and The Australian Economic Review.

Oguzhan was born and raised in Turkey and is blessed to share life with his wonderful wife and two kids. He loves spending time with family and friends. He also enjoys biking, hiking, cooking, and playing soccer.  

Courses Taught:   
Undergraduate Courses:

  • Principles of Microeconomics 
  • Principles of Macroeconomics 
  • Microeconomic Theory 
  • Macroeconomic Theory 
  • Money, Banking and Financial Markets 
  • 国际 Economics 
  • Economics of 国际 Finance 
  • Foundations of Finance 

研究生 Courses:

  • Managerial Economics (will be teaching in the Fall 23) 
  • Economic Development/Growth (both in undergraduate and graduate level) 
  • Econometrics (both in undergraduate and graduate level) 
  • Managerial Finance  


  • “How Do Risk Preferences Impact the Choice of Trade Credit.” (Submitted, under revision.) 
  • “Revisiting the Relationship Between Income Inequality and CO2 Emissions in US: New Evidence from CS-ARDL model.” 国际 Journal of Global Warming. 
  • “Legal, Financial, and Strategic Forces in Cross-Border Delivery Terms.” Emerging Markets, Finance and Trade. 
  • *“Co-Movement of Statistics in Service and Manufacturing: A Wavelet Coherence Analysis and the Effects of Robotization on 就业 and Development.” Ekin Publisher. (Book chapter) (* represents student co-author) 

Conference Presentations: SEA-2022, 2021, 2020, ICEEE-2021, 2020, ASBBS-2018, MVEA-2017, 2015. Attended and presented.  

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