

凯发集团官网会计俱乐部The Accounting Club at Lewis University offers students a remarkable opportunity to enrich their academic and professional journey by learning, 网络, 和迷人的. 通过加入会计俱乐部, students connect with prominent professional organizations, 从行业专家那里获得见解, and acquire practical skills that enable them to pursue fulfilling career paths. 另外, the Club creates a cooperative environment where students gather to share ideas and experiences, 相互联系和合作, 并帮助彼此成长.

为了实现这些目标, the Accounting Club organizes various activities such as arranging social gatherings, 主持演讲嘉宾, 举办讲习班和培训课程, assisting students in getting their CPA certification, 促进网络活动, 拜访会计师事务所, 参加全国性会议, and collaborating with accounting firms to offer mentorship, 实习, 还有工作机会. For more information, please contact the Accounting Club’s faculty advisor, Mr. 伊雅德·洛克 irock@lsqn.net.


With hundreds of college campus chapters throughout the United States, the 美国市场营销协会 (AMA) brings together more than 12,000名学生, 并为他们提供支持, career assistance and educational resources to assist them in the classroom and beyond, 包括:

  • 营销的新闻. AMA Collegiate Members receive eight print issues annually, 并可在线查阅全部26期杂志和档案.

  • MarketingPower.com 以及AMA会员资源中心. Providing the kind of marketing information you can access every day.

  • 大学连接. This quarterly newsletter features articles from recent college graduates, 产业升级, 职业发展信息, 以及章节管理文章和技巧. 会员可在网上使用.

  • 美国医学协会就业中心. 招聘启事,简历协助,有用的文章. 你可以在就业中心找到更多的信息.

Collegiate membership is for full-time students only, who are not employed full-time. 年费为39美元. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.ama.org


The 商学院学生顾问委员会 is comprised of students representing various majors within the 商学院. The purpose of the Board is to provide student feedback to the Dean on current 商学院 issues, 协助各种奖项的评选过程, and improve student services provided by the 商学院. Each year at least one representative from the Student Advisory Board is selected to sit on the 商学院 行政顾问委员会, which is made up of top executives from the Chicagoland area.


CEO is the premier global entrepreneurship network serving more than 20,000名学生 through 400 chapters at colleges and universities. The Lewis chapter of CEO is a student-led organization that fosters interest in the field of entrepreneurship. Its focus is to inspire, connect, and support students to succeed as entrepreneurs. CEO提供师徒关系, 创业发展活动, 以及通过比赛进行体验式学习.

的 is a business honor society that recognizes and encourages academic excellence of students at ACBSP accredited colleges and universities to create a community that fosters the well-being of its individual members and the business community through life-time membership. Mu Alpha chapter of 的 was founded in 2011 to recognize the accomplishments of Lewis 商学院 students. Membership is by invitation only after verification of scholastic qualifications of the eligible students. Juniors, seniors, and graduate students who are in the top 20% of their class in cumulative average grades receive invitations for the annual induction ceremony. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.deltamudelta.org.


作为一个专业的商业兄弟会, we focus on personal and professional growth as well as 网络 during collegiate years. Many of our events help prepare our Brothers for their careers in the professional world. During college, members also enjoy Brotherhood and lifelong friends. Brotherhood then extends far beyond college into alumni years. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 罗伯特·伯格曼 or visit http://www.deltasigmapi.org/.


The 投资俱乐部 is an educational workshop that fosters students' interests in financial markets, 发展会员的金融知识, and allows its participants to experiment with new ideas in real time. The club provides ambitious students the opportunity to turn financial knowledge into financial hypotheses through the management of a diversified portfolio with assets of more than $350,000. Our vision is to educate members in the fundamentals of fiscal responsibility. For more information, please contact the Investment Club's faculty advisor, Dr. 倪一楠 yni@lsqn.net.


The NSLS is the largest leadership honor society in the United States. Our NSLS chapter at Lewis University was started in 2020. Our local chapter is part of the national organization with 700+ chapters and over 1.400万会员. Students are selected based on exemplary academic achievement. As of 2021, we have 961 members who have access to more than 40万美元奖学金, NSLS独家招聘板, 个性化的推荐信, and who learn from exceptional leaders like former President Barack Obama during exclusive Speaker Broadcasts. Sheila Boysen and Lesley Page from the 商学院 serve as advisors. 访问NSLS网站 了解更多.



The Women in Business club at Lewis University provides support, 包容, and empowerment to our diverse undergraduate and graduate student population. 通过教育和经验, we aim to prepare future business leaders to be successful both personally and professionally.

Email: LewisWIB@gmail.com
Instagram: lewisuwib
