
The tale of the Babel Tower: There was a time when the whole earth had one language. 随着人们从东方迁徙而来, they decided to build a Tower with its top in the Heavens, lest they be scattered upon the face of the whole world. But the Lord foiled them by confusing their language so that they could no longer understand one another — Genesis 11

Was the Tower of Babel a curse or a blessing for humanity? Decide for yourself after you read this page!


KNOWING another language enriches your personal life, expands the range of professional opportunities open to you, and increases your power to act as a citizen of the world.


AT LEWIS UNIVERSITY you can begin studying a new language or build on your knowledge of a language that you have already studied. Every semester the Program of 外语 offers around 10 foreign languages. Lewis' program may also be the first chance for you to study such languages as Russian, 中国人, 日本, 波兰的, 和阿拉伯语.

FORGET THE MYTH that you have to learn languages as a child: in the classroom young adults can be faster and more effective learners than small children.

Directly and indirectly the study of languages will provide you with important JOB-RELATED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS that can give you a competitive edge. 这包括解决问题的能力, 分析性和创造性地思考, to communicate effectively and confidently in writing and in person, 行动要灵活多样. Because you can communicate and connect with people of other cultured and nationalities, you will be able to ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN PROFESSIONAL CONTACTS. 在商业, 跨文化合作的努力, 销售, or negotiation will benefit from your experience of other languages. 只要能和更多的人交谈, you increase the number of people your business can deal with. 成为一个高效的专业人士, 比如医生, 一个护士, 一个律师, 教育家, 艺术家,或者科学家, INVESTIGATING NEW KNOWLEDGE IN OTHER LANGUAGES is essential in the increasingly international workplace.

语言研究, 喜欢历史, 哲学, 或数学, helps you develop the ANALYTIC SKILLS needed to be an effective participant in local and national discussions. Studying language can help you FOLLOW INTERNATIONAL EVENTS WITH INSIGHT, opening up perspectives to make you an informed and RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN OF YOUR COUNTRY AND THE WORLD. Foreign Language study contributes to achievement of national goals, such as economic development or national security.

Language study introduces you to new realms of ideas, customs, habits, and values. The 21st century places new demands on people's GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE. As the Internet has changed the way we think about the transfer of information, so has it eliminated the sense of distance between us and the citizens of the world. MATERIALS FROM AROUND THE WORLD are available to every person who has access to computer.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of language study is an EXPANDED UNDERSTANDING OF DIVERSE, 根植于文化的态度和行为. We cannot begin to imagine how much ethnic and cultural values differ until we gain access from the inside, 通过语言. Language preserves the history and traditions of a people, through speakers' common understanding of the meanings of words, 表达式, 和文本. Only on a foundation of such INSIDER KNOWLEDGE can cultural understanding be achieved.Studying even one language dramatically increases your sensitivity to linguistic and cultural difference, exposes you to MODES OF THOUGHT OUTSIDE YOUR NATIVE LANGUAGE, teaches  and encourages respect for other peoples.

Learning a foreign language contributes to the creation of your personality. Many people who study languages and cultures are surprised to find the experience transformative. Students of language discover WAYS OF SEEING THE WORLD that they did not suspect. 对于一些, developing knowledge of a second language and culture is like EXPANDING ONE'S PERSONALITY, acquiring options that are both enriching and liberating. Some students find particular satisfaction in reading texts and hearing stories in the original language, in experiencing authors in their own voices. Others gain a sense of achievement from being able to participate more fully in national and international politics and events.

While you gain an appreciation for the world outside your own, 与其他文化的接触会给你 用新的视角看待自己的语言文化和社会. The comparisons that you can make between your language and the one you learn will lead to a greater understanding of the nature of language itself. Studying even one language will make you more aware of how you use your own language as well. 它会让你更清楚你是如何使用的 你自己的语言.
