应用 current technologies to meet the challenges of today while creating new technologies that meet the challenges of tomorrow.

The benefit of a master's degree in computer science has become an increasingly valuable field for professionals in the sciences, IT, 工程, 网络安全, 以及应用程序开发.



(815) 205-0943

The Master of Science degree in 计算机科学 program prepares you with an advanced understanding of the principles that underlie the science of computing. 专为工作的成年人, 该项目在晚上提供速成课程, 为期八周的课程, 哪里可以在短短一年内完成.

校内提供 在线, the Master of Science in 计算机科学 degree program allows you to choose a specialization specific to your career goals and professional interests:


In this concentration you will learn the development process of software for a wide variety of 平台s and systems.

  • 理解软件工程概念的基础
  • 了解软件开发过程、模型和道德规范
  • 学习软件需求工程的技能
  • 学习不同的软件过程方法,包括敏捷和瀑布方法
  • 学习嵌入式系统设计
  • Discuss distributed software 工程 including client server computing and software as a service
  • 学习软件架构、设计和发展
  • 利用软件测试、质量保证和安全性
  • 监控软件开发项目管理


In this concentration you will learn how to identify the risks an organization faces due to cyber threats, 并建议应对这些风险的措施.

  • Create new responses to emerging 网络安全 problems to enable response to new attacks as they evolve.
  • Describe how cyber-attacks against an organization can be monitored and investigated for 行为ionable intelligence.
  • Create tools for encrypting data, authenticating users, and verifying the integrity of data.
  • Identify components of a modem information system and the threats that challenge security.
  • 设计能够抵御和减轻网络攻击的软件和网络.
  • Specify tools and architectures to help secure information systems both pro行为ively and re行为ively.
  • 逆向工程恶意软件,以确定如何击败它.
  • 从不同的平台和媒体中提取和检查数字证据.
  • Create tools for penetrating into systems and networks to identify and counter行为 vulnerabilities.


This concentration focuses on the design and implementation of intelligent systems that perceive, 行为, 并根据环境进行学习.

  • 设计并实现能够感知的智能系统, 行为, 并根据环境进行学习.
  • 利用机器学习技术来提高系统的性能.
  • 导出基于经验的模型来解决问题.
  • Integrate software with hardware to create autonomous systems that can do useful work.
  • Create secure networks for communicating measurement data and commands among devices.
  • Create software that preforms required computation while minimizing battery usage and processing lag.


This concentration is enriched by supplementary courses from the Criminal Justice Department. 学生可以在研究生刑事司法课程中获得12个学分, 哪些提供了强大的法律和技术背景. 主题包括:

  • 网络安全要件
  • 数字取证基础
  • 情报收集中的问题和争议
  • 网络取证
  • 移动设备取证


许多公司, 组织和政府机构正在迁移他们的基础设施, 平台, 存储和应用程序到云. Therefore, it is becoming a necessity to prepare and qualify students to work in this emerging field. 主题包括:

  • 可扩展的数据存储系统
  • 分布式计算系统
  • 基础设施即服务、平台即服务、软件即服务
  • 虚拟化
  • 云计算和虚拟化安全
  • 企业网络和云计算


This option provides students with the flexibility to design their own focus for the MSCS and develop a skill set of their desire, 或者根据雇主的要求和需要. 然而, 有一组知识单元, 选择此选项的学生必须知道. 这些单位包括:

  • 数据库设计与处理
  • 面向对象程序设计
  • 计算机科学方面的研究技能


  • 被列为美国最具影响力的国家之一.S. 新闻 & 《凯发集团官网》的“顶级大学”
  • 教师 connections in the computer science industry bring job opportunities and real-world projects to Lewis
  • New facilities and labs, including a software 工程 and security and networking labs
  • 访问最新版本的商业和开源软件
  • 小班平均规模允许与凯发集团官网经验丰富的教师高度互动
  • Internship co-op program with Argonne National Laboratory and several other employers
  • Hands-on projects for multiple industries and organizations, with a heavy emphasis on service
  • 课程提供在平日晚上和 在线 为工作的专业人士提供灵活性.
  • Heavy integration of classroom technology to enable students to participate even on weeks when they can't come to campus in person.
  • 为希望改变职业的专业人士提供的基础课程, 这样他们就可以迅速建立对计算机科学的全面理解.
  • Adjunct faculty who are leaders in their fields, who 行为ually pr行为ice the material they teach.
  • 理论与实践相结合的均衡课程, 允许对计算机科学技术有更深的理解


有了计算机科学硕士学位你能做什么? 工作机会不仅在计算机科学领域丰富, 但在经济和职业成就感方面是有益的. 通过完成凯发集团官网计算机科学硕士的要求, 毕业生有资格在许多岗位工作, 包括:

  • 软件开发人员
  • 数据库设计师
  • Web开发人员
  • 网络工程师
  • 网络安全工程师
  • 云计算架构师
  • 电子游戏开发者
  • 模拟专家


刘易斯录取背景各异的候选人. You may still be considered for admission to the master's in computer science with an unrelated bachelor's degree. 被录取为M.S. in 计算机科学 program at Lewis University, candidates must meet the following credentials:

  • 地区认可的高等教育机构的学士学位
  • 本科GPA不低于3分.0对4.0规模. 平均绩点低于3分的学生.如果成绩达到3分,可以有条件地被录取.在前9个学时达到0或更高
  • 路易斯大学研究生入学申请表
  • 专业的简历
  • 所有高等教育机构的正式成绩单
  • 两页的目的陈述
  • 两封推荐信
  • 离散数学本科课程, 编程, and algorithms (Students without sufficient coursework will still be considered for admission, but may need to complete up to 13 credit hours of foundation courses offered at Lewis)
  • 国际 students are required to have a TOEFL test score greater than 550 (computer-based 213, 基于互联网79)


A Baccalaureate-to-Master's Program Option will enable high-achieving students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in 计算机科学 to earn the Master of Science in 计算机科学 with just one additional year of study. Since they earn a BS in 计算机科学, they will not have to take any of the Foundation courses. 此外, students may take up to three of graduate courses and count them toward their undergraduate requirements. 然后,他们必须修满24个学分才能完成学位. 有抱负的学生可以在两个学期(四个为期八周的学期)内完成这些任务。.


