
Lewis University’s 数据科学证书 programs were created to provide working professionals and students with the opportunity to learn data analysis techniques to enhance your decision-making. Certificate programs contain in-depth instruction, 在方便的课堂上提供, 灵活的, 在线的格式. The certificate programs can potentially be earned within one year.

Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Certificate

The Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 研究生 Certificate was created for those who want to solve problems in 医疗保健 and life sciences through the analysis of large data. The online program will teach students the technical skills of data analysis and biotechnology, as well as how to apply those techniques within the areas of computational biology, 制药和遗传学. Individuals who complete the graduate certificate program will gain the knowledge and technical skills to:


(815) 205-0943
  • 创建用于分析大型数据集的软件.
  • Be real-world problem solvers in how best to use data to inform decision-making in computational biology and bioinformatics.
  • Evaluate possible solutions for data storage and encryption that meet prescribed performance and storage requirements.
  • Implement data management solutions related to computational biology and bioinformatics.
  • 确定数据集中的趋势.
  • 利用大数据集.
  • Compare cloud-based solutions for storing large data sets in terms of performance, 安全, 查询机制, 软件开发和成本.
  • Use innovative ways to utilize data for technical research.
  • Create and choose visualization approaches that most clearly depict the characteristics of the data that need to be communicated for a particular purpose.



The 数据科学 研究生 Certificate provides background and insight into the key mathematical and computer science issues involved in the analysis of big data sets. 有了这样的高等教育, professionals in nearly any industry can apply their unique skill set by collecting and interpreting large quantities of organizational data to develop effective solutions for distilling the information. Upon completion of the program, students will be equipped to:

  • 运用微积分的工具, 线性代数, 优化, probability and statistics to identify likely characteristics and trends buried in large data sets so that reasonable conclusions about the data may be drawn.
  • Write software that implements the mathematical techniques required to extract meaning from large data sets, primarily using off-the-shelf mathematical software tools.
  • Choose large-scale data storage solutions that meet prescribed performance and storage requirements.
  • Develop appropriate querying mechanisms for asking questions about large data sets and obtaining answers of sufficient accuracy with reasonable investment of computing power.
  • 应用 clustering algorithms to characterize large data sets in terms of subsets with similar properties.
  • Create and choose visualization approaches that clearly depict the characteristics of the data that need to be communicated for a particular purpose.
  • Evaluate and compare cloud-based solutions for storing large data sets in terms of performance, 安全, 查询机制, 软件开发和成本.
  • Choose appropriate data science techniques for solving problems in disciplines that produce accurate, 从大量数据中及时洞察.



Each online graduate certificate is an 18-credit hour program that can be completed in just 12 months. Data science courses are led by faculty with years of hands-on experience in data visualization, 数据管理, 以及大数据的应用.


Data science jobs are in high demand and will seemingly continue that trend into the future as they play at the center of a new renaissance. The certificate offers an inherent scientific and mathematical richness as well as an immediate application to diverse fields. Data has the potential to make a big and positive impact on society, enabling everything from new discoveries in medicine to targeted recommendations of movies and books. Students can utilize their existing background and dynamic skills in data science across many domains including business, 教育, 政府, 医疗保健, 生命科学与技术.


Lewis’ 数据科学证书 programs are transferable toward the Master of Science in 数据科学. Credits earned can be applied directly at a later date. All you have to do is take the remaining required courses in the master’s degree program.


Applicants for the program must meet the following admission requirements:

  1. A baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher 教育.
  2. 本科GPA不低于3分.0对4.0规模.
  3. 微积分本科数学课程.
  4. 一个完整的 研究生入学申请
  5. 专业的简历
  6. Official transcripts from all 教育al institutions attended
  7. 两页的目的陈述
  8. 两封推荐信
  9. 国际 students are required to have a TOEFL test score greater than 550 (computer-based 213; Internet-based 79)

请参阅 研究生招生办公室 for application requirements and specific next steps.

