Proposal Application Requirements

  1. Names of principal and co-investigators
  2. Title, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, References
  3. Statement explaining advancement of Doherty Center goals
  4. Budget, Timeline
  5. Student Research Assistant Request Form (if applicable)
  6. Administrative Review Form
  7. Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Responsible Conduct of Research training completed for all investigators and student researchers
  8. Institutional Review Board approval (IRB) (if required)
  9. Institutional Biosafety Committee approval (IBC) (if required)
  10. Consultants (if included)
  11. Other supporting documents (if applicable)

Proposal Submission

The Proposal Submission site is currently closed. Proposal submissions will be accepted May 15, 2023 to September 15, 2023.

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