
Lewis is committed to student success and we strive to make sure that our students receive a quality educational experience. 外部国家承认证实了这一点. Lewis is pleased to be one of the few universities in Illinois to be recognized by all of the following organizations:

U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 排名前15名的中西部地区大学

U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 has ranked Lewis University among the top 15 in its rankings of Midwest Regional Universities.

U.S. 新闻世界报道-最好的大学-中西部地区大学

U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 对大学进行全面的本科专业和硕士课程排名. 最好的大学排名提供了一个全面的检查,近1,800 accredited four-year schools compare on at least 11 widely accepted indicators of excellence. Among the many factors weighed in determining the rankings and key measures of quality are: peer assessment, 毕业率和留校率, 学生选择性, 金融资源, 校友捐赠率, 毕业率表现.

U.S. 新闻的最佳大学排名可在以下网站找到 usnews.com,其中包括每所学校的广泛统计资料. It also includes a college search for students and parents looking for the school that best fits their needs.



Lewis University has earned the 2023-2024 军事 Support Colleges of Distinction recognition. Colleges of Distinction selected institutions for the 军事 Support recognition that are aware of the unique challenges military students face on college campuses. These institutions are proud to support and cultivate the skills that military and veteran students bring to the classroom, 同时帮助他们实现个人和职业目标.

The methodology used to evaluate institutions by Colleges of Distinction included the following criteria: Comprehensive Educational Benefits, 军事和退伍军人事务小组, 灵活和可访问的选项, 教师培训, 以及校园活动和社区支持. The initial cohort is comprised of those institutions that demonstrated best practices in creating a supportive environment.



学校.com recently ranked Lewis University as number 10 in their ranking of the "Best 4-year Colleges in Illinois.专注于负担能力, flexibility and student services they used the most recent government data to evaluate public and private colleges and universities across the country.

共有1649所四年制高校上榜. Criteria included full-time tuition, books and supplies as well as 金融援助 and student debt. 毕业率以及学生支持服务, 获得大学先修课程和双学分的能力, 职业咨询和就业率也被考虑在内.


凯发集团官网再次被评为中西部最好的大学之一, 根据普林斯顿评论. Lewis University is included among its "Best in the Midwest" recommended schools in the "2023 Best Colleges: Region by Region" website (http://www.princetonreview.com/college-rankings/best-colleges).


"We chose Lewis University and the other outstanding institutions on this list primarily for their excellent academics,罗伯特·弗兰克说, 普林斯顿评论的主编. The 普林斯顿评论 editors made their selections based on data the company collected from its survey of administrators at several hundred colleges in each region, 以及其员工多年来对学校的访问, and the perspectives of college counselors and advisers whose opinions the company solicits.

The 普林斯顿评论 scores the schools on its "Best Colleges: Region by Region" lists in six categories – academics, 招生选择性, 金融援助, 消防安全, 品质生活,绿色环保.


凯发集团官网已经获得了全国杰出学院的认可. Lewis also has earned recognition as an Illinois 杰出学院 and a Catholic College of Distinction.

The Colleges of Distinction selection process comprises a sequence of in-depth research and detailed interviews with the schools, 表彰那些坚持这四个特点的学生:敬业的学生, 伟大的教学, 充满活力的社区, 和成功的结果. These principles are all informed by high-impact practices to prioritize the ways that institutions enable students to have a fulfilling, 课堂内外的个性化大学体验.

卓越学院是一个在线资源 www.collegesofdistinction.com that helps students, their families and their counselors select colleges and universities. Colleges of Distinction strives to help students find a college where they can grow, 学习并最终在他们的余生中取得成功. The online college guide describes schools that take a complete approach to admissions decisions, that consistently excel in providing undergraduate education and that have a truly national reputation.




凯发集团官网被选为最有价值的大学 在线清单 在中西部高校中排名前50位. 超值大学 is a highly rated website which assists students in finding colleges and universities that provide affordable degree and career options for students. 承诺“帮助学生用他们的钱获得最好的教育”,” this website features a list of 50 top affordable colleges in the Midwest according to various criteria.

Rankings are based on factors including academic programs, organizations, and retention.  学费和实际出勤费用也被考虑在内, including costs for on-and-off campus students; the price for books, fees and incidentals; return on investment, 以及经济援助的可获得性. The website notes that the University combines “qualities like research, scholarship, and service.”


《凯发集团官网》发布了2022年最佳退伍军人大学排行榜. Lewis is ranked the #1 Best for Vets private school in the state of Illinois and #3 overall in Illinois, 美国最适合兽医的私立学校排名第19. The rankings are based on the results of 军事 Times’ annual survey – the most comprehensive school-by-school assessment of veteran and military student services and rates of academic achievement – as well as a detailed review of public data collected by federal agencies. 今年的调查基于来自300多所学校的数据.


《凯发集团官网》的所有排名都是如此, 最适合退伍军人:《凯发集团官网》是一个编辑独立的杂志, 客观严谨的新闻项目. This feature evaluates the many factors that help make colleges and universities a good fit for service members, 退伍军人和他们的家人. 

军事 Times’ annual Best for Vets: Colleges survey asks colleges and universities to disclose academic outcome and input data, describe many aspects of veteran culture on campus and meticulously document a wide array of services, 特殊政策, 为与军方有联系的学生提供住宿和经济奖励. 军事 Times also factors in data from the 退伍军人 Affairs and Defense departments, 以及教育部的三个来源:IPEDS数据中心, 大学记分卡数据和队列违约率数据库.

完整排名发布于 http://rebootcamp.militarytimes.com/


  • 《凯发集团官网》/《凯发集团官网》大学排名
  • 华盛顿每月年度大学指南和排名-硕士大学
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