Service Opportunities



Join other Lewis students on a weekend or week-long service experience during Spring Break or the week after finals in May!

These experiences range from helping build houses to gardening to learning about Eco-Justice issues to learning about different cultures to simply spending time ENCOUNTERING others in a unique way from young to old. Dates are TBD.

Questions? Contact: Margaret Martinez


International Service
International Service

Diocesan University Mission to Bolivia
The Mission trip to Sucre, Bolivia is an annual event for university students in and from the Diocese of Joliet.  Since 1995 students have traveled to this South American country to serve the economically poor of Sucre in an orphanage, three-day care centers, a hospital financed by the Diocese of Joliet, two mental hospitals, a soup kitchen for children, a water filter project, and construction sites. The Bolivia trip usually occurs in June; future trip dates are TBD.

Diocesan University Mission to the Philippines
Build a house for the poor on this two-week mission trip to Bacolod City, Philippines. Volunteers will build a house with Gawad Kalinga - an organization that provides housing and services for the poor. Students will also have the opportunity to meet and volunteer alongside Filipino college students. Lodging is provided on the campus of the University of St. Lasalle - a Christian Brothers university. The Philippines trip is usually at the end of December into January; future trip dates are TBD.

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