
Our faculty are committed to preparing students for life, work, and service to a global society. Our focus is on improving society through education and teaching. Many faculty are industry professionals who know how to teach and will share their experience. We know there is more than “textbook” learning and they will show you how to ask questions, 做研究, 并运用知识解决实际问题.


Dr. 莎拉权力Dr. 莎拉权力 是生物系的助理教授吗, 与本科生和研究生一起工作. Dr. 鲍尔斯喜欢教学生做实验. Not only does she get to help students turn knowledge into practice, but also stresses to them the importance of knowing how to communicate scientific concepts in written form. She exercises her passion for mentoring through the Summer Undergraduate 研究 Experience (SURE) Program, a ten-week experiential learning opportunity in which students from different disciplines work one-on-one with a faculty mentor to complete a unique research internship. 另外, students attend weekly seminars taught by faculty members from various departments to learn about research methods, 恢复建设, 数据分析等. Dr. 鲍尔斯继续她在细胞周期和发育方面的研究, 以及蛋白质如何帮助细胞正常运作. She is currently working with undergraduate students who use computer simulations and molecular modeling to predict how proteins and cells react under certain circumstances.


罗伯特·伯格曼罗伯特·伯格曼 is an Assistant Professor of Marketing and Director of Internships in the College of Business. 在加入Lewis之前, 罗伯特在管理咨询方面有过杰出的职业生涯, 市场营销. His experience ranges from working with some of the largest organizations in the world, 致小“妈妈” & 流行”机构. Robert’s wealth of real-world experience allows him to bring practical lessons and innovative teaching methods into the classroom. 建立了新的公司部门, 管理庞大的商业专业团队, 在他的职业生涯中雇佣了400多人, 罗伯特能够分享实际的求职, 招聘, 职业生涯, and internship advice with his students – providing a perspective from an insider’s viewpoint. He also facilitates extracurricular learning experiences like Travel Studies to Europe, 亚洲和拉斯维加斯. 罗伯特开发并推出了新的卓越销售计划, an innovative Business-to-Business Sales education program offered to all students. 他从地区招聘B2B销售专业人员, national and international companies to teach the curriculum; by doing so, students are exposed to a multitude of industries and success strategies that can only be taught by the top salespeople in their industry.


Dr. 雷KlumpDr. 雷Klump is a Professor in the Department of Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences. 在来刘易斯之前. Klump enjoyed a fulfilling 职业生涯 in the engineering industry; he developed a software platform for calculating maximum power system transfer capabilities during his time at Mid-America Interconnected Network, and wrote software for calculating and displaying the conditions of an electric power system to help system operators and engineers at PowerWorld Corporation. Dr. 克朗普为一个“网络防御组织”提供建议,” who participates in cyber security competitions throughout the year. By stacking their skills against students at other institutions, the team works to create the most secure network infrastructure and play hacking games.


Dr. 艾丽卡Kwiatkowski-EgizioDr. 艾丽卡Kwiatkowski-Egizio is an Associate Professor in Secondary Education, Middle Education, and Foreign Language programs. 在2011年来到刘易斯之前. Kwiatkowski-Egizio taught math at Joliet Junior College (JJC) for 12 years and served as a liaison for transfer students between JJC and the Education Department. Dr. Kwiatkowski-Egizio’s family has three generations of Lewis University students. 她和她的父亲都是自豪的刘易斯校友, 和她的女儿在2018年秋天加入了凯发集团官网的新生班. Erica’s passion for teaching and student success transcends in her work outside of Lewis University – she teaches eighth-grade algebra at St. 洛克波特的约瑟夫小学,没有赔偿. 她在St的工作. Joseph not only demonstrates her credibility and enthusiasm in the classroom, but also helps her to shape her curriculum for developing exceptional future middle school teachers here at Lewis.


Dr. Dena亨Dr. Dena亨, DNP, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner/Family Nurse Practitioner, is a Nationally Certified School Nurse who follows evidenced-based guidelines blended with clinical experience, 个人观察, and intuition to ensure quality of care and open lines of communication between all members of the healthcare team. She is an Assistant Professor and program coordinator for the School Nurse graduate program. 作为该项目的全职教师, she believes that she can enhance our school nurse population and encourage it to grow, encourage our school nurses to be advocates for the profession and for themselves, 他们的学生, 他们的家庭和他们的地区, and highlight the variety of roles and responsibilities a school nurse encompasses and is capable of doing that most people aren't really aware of.


Dr. 史蒂文NawaraDr. 史蒂文Nawara 是政治科学系的助理教授. Although his work experience in political science spans across several locations in the U.S., Dr. Nawara brings his expertise to Lewis and helps students work around issues they care about. 最近,博士. Nawara对美国网民的推特行为进行了内容分析.S. 参议员. Student workers in the Political Science Department assisted with the research, 最后这篇论文被接受发表了. Dr. Nawara and his students also continued this strategy for presidential candidates in the 2016 election – Donald Trump, 希拉里·克林顿, and Gary Johnson – and expanded the analysis to Facebook and Instagram, 除了Twitter.
