

The Campus 应急计划 Team (CEPT) is a multi-disciplinary team of professionals formed to oversee the planning and coordination of the Campus Emergency Operations Plan (CEOP). The CEOP was developed in accordance with National Incident Management System Standards (NIMS).

Membership of the CEPT includes:

  • 教务长
  • Vice 总统 For Mission & Associate 教务长 for Academic Success
  • Emergency Preparedness Cordinator  
  • Chief of Police – Co- Chair
  • 副教务长 & Dean of Student Services – Co-Chair
  • Associate Vice 总统 for 人力资源
  • 副教务长 & 留校主任
  • 营运总监 & 采购
  • Executive Director of Information Security & 政策
  • 副教务长 for 研究生, 专业 & 继续教育
  • Director of Health Services
  • Associate Vice 总统 for 设施
  • Executive Director of Public Relations & 通信
  • Associate Vice 总统 for 设施

The CEPT facilitates and implements trainings, drills and exercises related to the CEOP and meets on a quarterly basis, 或者根据需要.

In the event of a campus emergency, the CEPT will lead the activation of the Campus Command Center (CCC) in accordance with NIMS principles.

提高凯发集团官网的紧急程度, prevention and response systems, the following teams have also been established.


The Campus 预防暴力 Committee is an additional resource to provide support, 援助, and policy review in regard to violence prevention on campus.

Membership of the committee shall include (as needed) representatives from:

  • 学生服务
  • 学术事务
  • LUPD
  • Office of 人力资源
  • 咨询服务
  • 居住生活
  • 公共关系
  • 社区标准
  • Other departments, units or local law enforcement agencies as deemed appropriate.

As a part of this plan, the committee shall:

  1. Incorporate violence prevention strategies into related policies and/or procedures;
  2. Encourage policy statements that reaffirm violence prevention strategies;
  3. Integrate existing campus programs and policies that deal with associated issues (e.g. 工作场所暴力, 骚扰, 预防自杀, 减少污名, sexual assault prevention); and
  4. Report issues related to physical facilities and grounds with an emphasis on enhancing safety and violence prevention efforts.

评估 & 护理小组(act)

评估 & 护理小组提供支持, 资源, referrals and response as appropriate with regard to potential or actual threats to the University community. Membership of the Team shall include representatives from:

  • Office of the Dean of Student Services
  • 学术事务
  • 人力资源
  • LUPD
  • 居住生活
  • 咨询服务
  • 多样性 & 包容
  • Other departments as appropriate.

评估 & 护理团队 is responsible for reviewing information obtained from a reporting party, 证人或观察者. Additional responsibilities include reviewing incident reports, police files and/or complaints of threats or actual violence, reviewing patterns or practices which indicate a potential for violence, and serving as a resource to University officials or representatives as necessary.
评估 & 护理团队 is not intended to address workplace issues that are regularly handled by the Office of 人力资源 or student misconduct that is regularly handled by the Office Student Services. The team shall assume the following responsibilities and once the ACT is notified of an incident, the team will confer as soon as reasonably possible to determine if and what response from the team is needed:

  1. Create a written threat-assessment policy.
  2. Meet regularly to provide post-incident assessments and evaluations and monitor on-going threat assessment and intervention activities.
  3. Provide 资源, referrals and response as appropriate.
  4. If the Team determines that a threat is present, the Team shall inform the proper University officials or representatives to initiate reasonable, 适当和及时的行动.


评估 and 护理团队 (ACT)

Video Presentation on 校园暴力.

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