什么是标题IX -基础



Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. 它写着:

"No person in the United States shall, 以性别为基础, be excluded from participation in, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

--Legal Citation: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. 第106部分(第九条)

Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Know your Rights: Title IX Basics

Your school’s obligation to respond to sexual violence

  • Under Title IX federally funded schools must ensure that students of all 年龄s are not denied or limited in their abilities to participate in or benefit from the school’s educational programs or activities 以性别为基础.
  • Once your school is made aware of sexual violence, it must take prompt and appropriate steps to investigate or otherwise determine what occurred.
  • Your school is required to protect you and ensure your safety as necessary promptly.
  • Your school should provide you with information regarding campus and local resources.  


  • All students are protected from sex discrimination irrespective of gender, 性取向, 年龄, 残疾状态, 比赛, 国家的起源, or enrollment status (part-time/full-time).
  • Male students have the same rights as female students.


  • Your school must provide a notice of nondiscrimination.
  • Your school must have a least one designated employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under Title IX.
  • Your school must adopt and publish grievance procedure providing for the prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee sex discrimination complaints.

Confidentiality and Obligation to Respond

  • Your school should clearly explain the reporting obligations of all school employees because the obligations differ among different employees.
  • Your school should only disclose information to individuals who are responsible for the school’s response to the sexual violence. All efforts should be made on the school’s part to keep you safe and protect your privacy.


  • Your school must conduct an adequate, reliable, impartial and prompt investigation
  • Both parties have an equal opportunity to present relevant witnesses and other evidence.
  • Your school must use a preponderance-of-the-evidence (ie., more likely than not) standard in all Title IX proceedings.
  • If permitted by your school, both parties are able to have advisors, lawyers, expert testimony, etc. at any st年龄 throughout the proceedings.
  • If appeals are permitted by your school, both parties must have the opportunity to do so
  • Both parties must be notified, in writing, of the outcome of both the complaint and any appeal.
  • If a criminal investigation is pending or in progress, your school should not wait for the conclusion of the criminal investigation to begin its own Title IX investigation.


  • If it is determined that sexual violence created a hostile environment, the school must take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the sexual violence, eliminate the hostile environment, 预防复发, 在适当的时候, 补救其影响.
  • Various remedies will include assisting you and helping you continue your education (such as counseling, retaking courses without penalty, 学术支持). Even if these remedies are refused during the interim, your school should offer then again at the conclusion of the Title IX proceedings.
  • Your school may also provide remedies for the broader student population such as developing materials on sexual violence to distribute to all students, conducting bystander intervention trainings, 发布新政策, and training employees on the school’s responsibilities to address allegations of sexual violence and how to conduct Title IX investigations.

If you want to learn more about your rights, or if you believe that your school is in violation of the federal law, 你可与美国海关联络.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights at 1-(800)-421-3481 or on their website at http://www.justice.gov/crt/about/cor/coord/titleix.php to fill out an online complaint form.

Lewis University does not tolerate sexual misconduct of any type. 凯发集团官网的天主教徒, Lasallian tradition sees each and every human as created in the im年龄 of God, 充满尊严和价值. Sexual misconduct is a serious affront to one’s dignity as a person. Sexual misconduct includes but is not limited to sexual harassment, non-consensual sexual intercourse, non-consensual sexual contact and sexual exploitation, 定义如下.
