
支持自己 & 其他人

Amidst all the confusion brought on by the frightening events over the past few days, at least one thing seems clear: each of you can play a role in helping one another cope with the impact and begin the process of healing and recovery. There are a number of guiding principles that will help all of you find greater understanding, 支持, 和力量. Among the most important of these are:

  • Intense emotions are normal and healthy in the face of such fear. They do not imply weakness or craziness. Powerful 感觉ings of anger, sadness, fear, helplessness, disbelief, numbness, 等. may be a part of your emotional landscape for some time. If they are appropriately expressed and directed, such 感觉ings will provide you with the passion and energy necessary to effectively cope with the loss.

  • Spend time with people you care about. While you might not 感觉 like being around anyone, the resulting sense of loneliness typically makes people 感觉 worse.

  • Ask for 支持 from people who care about you and who will listen to your concerns. It often helps to speak with others who have shared your experience so you do not 感觉 so different or alone. People are often surprised to realize how much 支持 is available through their immediate relationships (friends, 家庭, 合作伙伴, 同学们, 等.).

  • Remember that people deal with emotions differently. There is no formula for healing these kinds of emotional wounds. Some people may become overwhelmed with emotions, while others appear quieter and more reserved. Avoid comparing your reactions to the event to those of others.

  • Refrain from judging others’ responses and demanding that everyone think, 感觉, 或者以同样的方式行事. It is important to respect others’ perspectives and to provide 支持 at a level and in the manner that they desire. Ask others about how you can be helpful and what the limits are.

  • 做一个好的倾听者. Simply giving people the opportunity to vent and “get something off their chest” is tremendously helpful and healing to them. Saying the “right thing” isn’t nearly as important as 感觉ing connected to and 支持ive of others.

  • 采取行动. The desire to “do something” is life-affirming and healthy, and it should be encouraged. Suggestions include attending community service events, religious services and/or setting up your own observances.

  • Take good care of yourself. Take care of your body by watching what/how much you eat; your use of alcohol, 药物, 咖啡因, 尼古丁, 糖, and medicine; and by practicing safe sex. Eat well-balanced meals, get plenty of rest, and build physical activity into your day.

  • Appreciate a sense of humor in yourself and others. A day must come when it is ok to smile and laugh again. 幽默可以缓解压力, produces body chemicals that improve mood, and helps us to gain a more balanced perspective. Do not postpone joy and laughter should they come your way.

  • Remind yourself that some things are out of our control. After a tragedy when hindsight is 20/20, people often torment themselves with things they “should have” done. It is important that you resist letting this kind of guilt take over your life.

  • Seek balance in your life. When a personal loss occurs, it is easy to become obsessed, overwhelmed, and pessimistic. Balance that viewpoint by reminding yourself of people and events which are meaningful, 令人欣慰的, 和鼓励. Striving for balance empowers you and allows for a healthier perspective on yourself and the world around you.

  • If problems persist, seek professional assistance. If you are having difficulty managing intense reactions and/or functioning in your daily activities, contact The 学生健康中心 (Main number: 815-836-5455), 描述情况, and ask for an emergency appointment. After hours, call LUPD at 815-836-5222, or Will County Crisis Line at 815-722-3344.

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